Your House is Your Haven: Don't Neglect the Interior

  • Surprise! While It Snowed, This Pest Mowed Through Your Yard

    25 March 2015

    As spring finally seems to be making its way around the country, Americans in many cities are, quite literally, digging out from one of the coldest, snowiest winters in years. If you live in an area of the country that experienced this severe winter, you should be prepared to find that while you hibernated, one winter pest was hard at work under the snowpack. Voles (no, not moles) are small rodents, similar to mice, who chomp busily away on the roots of grass, trees, and shrubs.

  • Can I Wire My Prefab House Myself?

    3 March 2015

    When they first made their appearance during WW II, prefabricated homes were a famous novelty. For about $2,500, a family could order a house kit from a catalog like Sears and Roebuck. The kit would arrive in partially built pieces to be completed on-site by the homeowner or whoever he had hired to help him. Even the electrical wiring could be pre-installed to make building the home more economical, but unless you were an electrician by trade, or knew a lot about how electricity works, you still needed an electrical contractor to help.

  • How To Get Your Partner On Board With Your Feng Shui Ideas

    11 February 2015

    For some people, furnishing and decorating a home is an intentional process. Every piece of furniture works together to create the optimum living space that leaves you feeling at ease, energized, and safe. If you are one of these people, then it is likely you follow several feng shui practices in your decorated. What happens when you move in with someone who does not believe in the importance of feng shui or intentional decorating?

  • 2 Upcycling Projects For Old Shutters

    22 January 2015

    If you're renovating an old house, you might be finding a lot of parts and pieces that seem as though they have little place in today's world. When replacing your old shutters with new ones, like those from Aero Shade Co. Inc., don't just throw your old ones away. Here are two projects you should consider doing with those old shutters instead. Old Shutter Organizer If you're like most people, you've probably had that moment of panic, wondering if you've paid all the bills, or have an appointment you're forgetting.

  • What Type Of Finish Will You Choose For Your Aluminum Storefront?

    30 December 2014

    When you are creating a first impression, you want to ensure that it is memorable. This is especially true when you are trying to entice people to visit your business. You want to make sure that you have an aluminum storefront that is inviting, as well as enticing. To create this, many merchants have turned to the benefits of aluminum. Not only will aluminum give you durability, performance, and safety that you need, but with the right finish it will also be extremely easy to maintain.